Fall/Winter 2015 Look Book

Silk bralette, strappy bra, edgy fashion, fetish gear, leather collar, leather harness, cup less bra, boudoir shot, sexy lingerie, fetish photoshoot, burning man fashion

Love Lorn Lingerie Lookbook – F/W 2015

**Potental NSFW Images Below**

**This page contains 18+ material.**

The lovely Maddie Hall (@maddieee_hall) and the talented Victoria Zeoli (@victoriazeoli) collaborated with me to create LoveLornLingerie’s debut lookbook! We decided to go with a very clean, crisp and minimalist feel for this shoot, in an effort to really show off the lingerie and harnesses, contrasting the dark leathers and laces against Maddie’s complexion and the white walls.

This was such a fun shoot to do! And my first photoshoot experience EVER. I felt incredibly inexperienced next to these gals. Luckily, they knew what to do so I was able to just follow their leads. I’m quite pleased with the results! It took every ounce of willpower and self restraint I have to cut the images down to just a few – Victoria sent me 84-ish shots to choose from. My immediate thoughts were “OH GOSH OH MY LET ME JUST POST ALLLLL OF THIS ONLINE”.

And then I was like, “Hey now, inner voice, that’s a bit much. Take it down a few notches”. As it is, I’ll probably periodically post the other images on my FB and Instagram, because I love them so much.

Also, yes, this was shot in my apartment, with natural lighting.

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